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Fun in the countryside benefited local charities.
June 10th was a picture-perfect day as the 2023 Hunterdon Polo Classic kicked off its yearly event for charities. HOME was grateful to be...

Bound Brook Families For Success
Bound Brook Families For Success was created in order to address the unique needs of immigrant families who are residing in the town of...

A Night to Remember...
HOME celebrated its 30th Anniversary of serving at-risk families on October 13th, 2022. It was an evening filled with familiar faces,...

National Volunteer Week 2022 "Empathy in Action"
In a well-deserved week of recognition, HOME acknowledges the hundreds of volunteers who support our community-based approach to...

30th Anniversary Gala
SAVE THE DATE! Join us on Thursday, October 13, 2022 to celebrate the 30th Anniversary of HOME of Somerset County, founded in 1992 as the...

HOME Announces Gala Honorees
Join us on Thursday, October 13, 2022, along with Honorary Gala Chair Kip Bateman, to celebrate the 30th Anniversary of HOME of Somerset...

You are Invited!
Please join us on Thursday, October 13, 2022 to celebrate the 30th Anniversary of HOME of Somerset County, founded in 1992 as the...

Calendar Raffle Benefits At-Risk Families
You’re invited to help at-risk families in your community! Enter to win CASH PRIZES during our Calendar Raffle Tickets are on sale now...

HOME Announces New Board Officers
With years of volunteer experience and professional and personal talents, our newly elected Board officers are excited to move HOME into...

New Year. New Name. Same Mission
Dear Friend, We are very excited to announce that the Interfaith Hospitality Network of Somerset County has a new name — HOME of Somerset...

Celebrating Gratitude, Uniting in Prayer
IHNSC’s Interfaith Thanksgiving Service will surely be unique this year as we connect with our volunteers, congregations and community...
Empowering at-risk families to achieve and maintain independence through a community and volunteer based-approach to helping families build healthy foundations. Case management, food security, homeless,volunteer,financial,congregation
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